Comparative Analysis of Leadership Styles in Public vs. Private Secondary Schools
Leadership Styles, Transformational, Transactional, Autocratic, Democratic, Laissez-faire LeadershipAbstract
The study's goals were to determine how leadership styles—transformational, transactional, authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire—differ between public and private secondary schools. Leadership styles encompass various approaches that influence team dynamics and organizational effectiveness. Understanding these styles is essential for fostering employee engagement and achieving strategic goals. The population was drawn from every high school in the Kasur district. To gather the data, multistage sampling approaches were employed. Data was gathered via a questionnaire. SPSS was used to analyze the data. Inferential statistics (Independent sample t-test) were employed. With the exception of laissez-faire leadership, the study's results showed a highly significant difference in leadership styles. Future studies should examine how environmental and cultural elements affect the efficacy of different leadership philosophies in diverse organisational contexts. Longitudinal studies could also look at how leadership philosophies change over time and how they affect workers' performance and happiness over the long run.
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