Adoption Intention of Solar Energy as an Alternative Power Source for the Renewable Electricity Generation in Multan Pakistan: The Moderating Role of Social Media


  • Aisha Khalid Management Sciences, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan



Acceptance of Consequences, Ascription of Responsibility, Environmental Concern, Perceived Consumer Effectiveness, Personal Norms, Social Media, Intentions to Adopt PV Technology, Norm Activation Model (NAM)


In Pakistan, this study examines the intention to use solar energy as a renewable energy source, focusing on the moderating role of social media. The research has identified key factors influencing consumer intentions and the influence of social media on this process using a decomposed technology acceptance model as well as PLS (SEM). The discoveries show that individuals' standards and their view of buyer viability decidedly affect natural worries and the stimulus for taking on Sunlight based PV innovation. The connection between private standards and purchasing aims is being directed by online entertainment. Consumer attitudes towards the adoption of solar energy are also significantly influenced by acceptance of consequences and a commitment to accountability. The study suggests that addressing consumer concerns through public awareness campaigns and effective warranty mechanisms can bolster confidence in solar technology. Furthermore, policymakers are encouraged to leverage subsidies and tax incentives to promote adoption and foster sustainable energy practices.


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How to Cite

Khalid, A. . (2024). Adoption Intention of Solar Energy as an Alternative Power Source for the Renewable Electricity Generation in Multan Pakistan: The Moderating Role of Social Media. Review of Education, Administration & Law, 7(1), 19-32.