Analyzing Teachers’ Strategies for Motivating Students in Classroom at Primary Level: Students’ Perspectives
Primary Schools Students, Primary School Teachers, Public Schools, Motivational StrategiesAbstract
The study was designed to analyze the teachers’ strategies for motivating students in classroom. The objectives of the study were; to find out the techniques of motivation for students learning achievement; to explore the students’ views about motivation; to evaluate the students’ views regarding teachers’ teaching style; to find out gender wise significance difference. The study was design for Bahawal Nagar district, so Bahawal Nagar were the population of the study. Stratified sampling technique was used to select sample. One hundred and thirty two (132) students were selected from selected schools in which 66 schools were male and 66 female. Self-constructed instrument on 4 point Likert scale was used to collect data. The major findings of the study were teachers motivate the students at primary level by adopting different techniques and strategies. The teachers’ behaviour, personality, teaching methodology and school environment are also factors affecting the students’ learning process. Immediate appreciation, rewards, punishment, reinforcement and encouragement play a vital role for motivating the students. It was also found that female teachers were used more motivational strategies to motivate the students in classroom as compared to male teachers.
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