Psycho-Social and Economic Problems Faced by Parent’s of Children with Epilepsy
Psychosocial, Economic, Problems, Parents, Epilepsy ChildAbstract
Parents of epilepsy children face various issues that are neglected by the society. On a regular basis an epilepsy child needs care so parents take away their time for other commitments, leisure and personal care. Unfortunately this issue has drawn very little attention, so the present study is to examine the problems faced by parents of children with epilepsy. The study was conducted at The Neurology Department of The Children’s Hospital & the Institute of Child Health Multan, Pakistan from 1st March 2018 to 30th August 2018. A structured interview schedule was administered to parents of 100 children aged between 01-12 years and having epilepsy disease for more than 6 month period. Of the 100 respondents majority of the respondents were male 71(71.0%) while 29(29%) of the respondents were female. About 50(50%) of respondents were aged between 25-35 years. About 37(37.0%) respondents’ family monthly income was 15000-25000/- PKR. High levels of depression (42%), and anger (31%) were found among parents. A majority (77%) of parents admitted that their social life was disturbed due to child’s epilepsy. Their psychological condition was also disturbed due to child’s epilepsy. Economically they faced multiple problems like the cost of drugs (96%) doctor fees (83%) and hospitalization charges (22%). The study concluded that parents’ daily life and social activities significantly were exaggerated; they had been experiencing depression, frustration, guilt, helplessness and had decreased visiting their friends and relatives, and watched less TV and fewer videos. Results indicated that parents of children with epilepsy had faced many hitches. Appropriate interventions are required to sustenance these parents so that they might advance their economic and societal conditions.
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