The Role of Internal and External Migration on Rural Poverty Alleviation In Pakistan: A Case Study of Multan District
Rural Poverty, Migration, Remittances, Households, PakistanAbstract
Migration has become an important part of the current global economy. People migrate from their homes for different purposes although this study endeavors to estimate the role of internal and external migration on poverty alleviation in rural areas of the Multan district. Binary logistic regression is applied to the data of 170 rural households. Poverty has been measured by the headcount index, poverty gap, and squared poverty gap, estimates show the high incidence of poverty in rural areas of Multan district. The findings reveal that rural to urban migration, foreign remittances, educational attainment of the household head, household head age and livestock population turn out to be discouraging aspects of poverty while physical disability and household size turn out to be encouraging aspects of poverty. To eradicate poverty easiness in internal and external migration should be ensured by the government.
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