Impact of Formative Assessment on Students’ English Writing Skills at Elementary Level
Formative Assessment, Effectiveness, Writing Skills, Elementary levelAbstract
The purpose of the current study was to measure the impact of formative assessment techniques on students’ writing skills. The techniques of formative assessment were used with sixty-four students. Formative assessment techniques were provided to students for three months. Summative assessment techniques and students’ survey was applied. In this study formative assessment was provided during the English writing process. After the completion of the intervention, it was found that when students are provided with formative assessment during their studies, this method of assessment improves their learning process. The result depicts that when student remained under continuous assessment process, it improved their English writing skill. On the basis of these conclusions, it is recommended that teachers should use formative assessment in their classes during their teaching. They should also provide formative assessment not only to the students by themselves but also enable them for self-assessment for improvement in their learning.
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