Class Conflict in Siraiki Waseeb Before Islam
Class Conflict, Siraiki Waseeb, Kammi And Shudra, Barhamans, Upper Class, Lower ClassAbstract
The history of class conflict in Siraiki Waseeb is as old as the Indus Valley Civilization. The history of Indus Valley is interpreted as a conflict of invading nations. The Siraiki Waseeb can be called the center of the valley. The class system of the Siraiki Waseeb is influenced by the arrival of various nations. The ancient Australoid tribes, the Dravidians and the Aryans had a profound effect on the civilization here. This division is wrapped not only in economic but also in the social cloak of religion. Along with the division of rich and poor, the system of division between pure and impure, masters and slaves, feudal, landlord and ‘kammi’ has sustained itself parallel to the caste system. The roots of the class system are still embedded in the Waseeb. These class factors have been analyzed in the article under discussion.
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