Relationship Between Motivation-enhancing HR Practices and Customer Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Emotional Intelligence
Customer satisfaction, Emotional Intelligence, Compensation & Incentive, Performance ManagementAbstract
This study describes and expounds link between motivation-enhancing HR practices (M-HRM) and customer satisfaction (CS). Motivation-enhancing HR practices include compensation & incentive (CI) and performance management (PM).The mediation of emotional intelligence (EI) is verified between the M-HRM and CS. The research was directed on 126 bank branches operational in Punjab (Pakistan) with 467 banking employees and 934 customers. The process of statistical analysis was performed by Structural equation modeling (SEM). A substantial relationship amongst all the variables of study (i.e. M-HRM, EI and CS) was established. It was clinched resultantly, that M-HRM exert impact on CS, through EI in direct as well as indirect ways.
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