Teachers Perception Regarding Case Study Method as a Pedagogy in Business Schools


  • Muhammad Abrar Associate Professor, Lyallpur Business School, Government College University, Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Nauman Abbasi Professor, Institute of Management Sciences, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan
  • Shahnawaz Saqib Visiting Lecturer, Department of Management Sciences, Khawaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology, Rahim Yar Khan, Pakistan




Business Education, Case Study Methods, Business Pedagogy


Degree awarding institutes aims to cater needs of industry by providing skilled and trained manpower. For this sake, universities tend to design their curriculum. A case study method provides a tool to strengthen the learning of students while maintaining their natural environment. This study instigated perceptions of university teachers regarding case study methods being used and skills generated through the usage of this method at universities. Primary data was collected regarding various skills which are induced by using the case study methods among students for the improvement of business education. Four provinces of the country viz. Punjab, Sindh, KPK, and Baluchistan were approached for data collection from faculty members of both public and private sector universities (Business Schools). A representative sample of 16 universities offering business education (8 public and 8 private sector) was selected. In this connection, 8 universities from Punjab province including 4 in the public and 4 in the private sector whereas 4 universities from Sindh (2 public sector universities and 2 private sector universities), 2 universities from KPK and Baluchistan each (1 public sector university and 1 private sector university) were approached. Fifteen respondents/teachers from each institute were approached for data collection, thus forming a sample size of 240. Initially, teachers were consulted through focus group discussions to dig out the reason for using case study methods in business education. Based on their perception and relevant literature a set of forty questions was devised to identify the basic reasons/benefits of using case study methods by teachers in business education. After applying Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) a set of seven basic attributes was identified. Based on these characteristics revised questionnaires were floated among the survey participants at a large scale. From the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), seven basic factors/reasons have been identified. In Pakistan universities, teachers consider these skills while imparting their teaching expertise to students of business education. According to the perspective of university teachers' most important skill is problem-solving skills generated through the case study method. A similar pattern has been observed for public and private sector university teachers which implies that there is consensus among the teachers at all levels that the case study method generates problem-solving skills among students more importantly.


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How to Cite

Abrar, M. ., Abbasi, M. N. ., & Saqib, S. (2021). Teachers Perception Regarding Case Study Method as a Pedagogy in Business Schools. Review of Education, Administration & Law, 4(2), 393-407. https://doi.org/10.47067/real.v4i2.152