Role of Educational attainment in Married Women’s Entry into and Escape from Labor Force in Pakistan
Age, Female Labor Supply, Education, Marital StatusAbstract
The current analysis aims to establish a disaggregated impact of various stages of education on married women’s labor supply, for which responses on various socio-economic determinants of labor supply have been recorded from 834 females from District Sahiwal. Binomial Logistic Regression analysis concluded that education is generally the most significant factor of female labor supply. A higher likelihood has been observed between educated females and a lower probability for non-educated ones to fall into the active labor force. However, a higher level of assets ensures a lower probability of falling into the workforce, furthermore, age, marital status, presence of children, and family setup corroborate female labor supply with a positive impact. Efforts need to be made to transform a woman’s role from an “income shielding” to an “income-generating” role by providing education. Female economic contribution and empowerment are influential tools to uplift the living standard of the household level.
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