Factor Do Influencing Turnover Intention: Intervening Effect of Compensation Policy Decision
Factor, Influencing Turnover Intention, Compensation, PolicyAbstract
The current research examines the effects of external and internal factors on the decisions related to the compensation policy subsequently influence turnover intentions of Telecom sector employees of Pakistan. The study was conducted in two phases. In the first phase, the factors effecting the compensation policy decision are generated through an extensive review of literature. This exhaustive list was tested through a rigorous process of a number of iterations of finding the most valued and considered factors in Pakistani telecom sector. This process was done with the top tier management including the human resource practitioners, as these are the people who significantly contribute in developing and finalizing decisions on the policy relating to compensation. For meeting with the objectives of current study, second phase consisted on identification of the impact of such decisions was tested on employee’s turnover intentions. The results were significant giving an understanding that the organizations who consider the most critical internal and external factors effecting decisions related with compensation policy, will ultimately craft such a policy, which is having a positive influence on the motivation of employee to continue working with the organization. So, this will solve the major organizational problem of retaining the productive employees and hence getting a sustainable organizational performance.
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