Preparedness of Prospective Teachers for Inclusive Education: Pre-Service Teachers’ Knowledge and Skills


  • Shaheen Pasha Chairperson/Assistant Professor, Department of Special Education (DOE), University of Education, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Farzana Yousaf Lecturer, University of Education, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Maimona Ijaz M.Phil. Special Education, Visiting Faculty Member, Department of Special Education, University of Education, Lahore, Pakistan



Inclusive Education, Teacher Education, Pre-Service Teachers, Knowledge, Skills


The inclusion of students with special needs in regular schools is now one of the most important international and national issues faced by the educational world. The study examined concepts of prospective teachers about inclusion, skill, and knowledge gained through these educational programs. This was quantitative research conducted by using a descriptive survey. The questionnaire is designed by the researcher based on objective, theoretical framework, and literature review of related studies. Responses to the survey were obtained from 250 pre-service teachers. It indicated that the majorities of pre-service teachers have concept clarity about inclusion and prepare to implement the skill, and knowledge gained through these educational programs. This research is a small effort from the platform of special education to collaborate with general education for the promotion of inclusion of these children in society by using the means of inclusive teacher education programs. This study provides a useful paradigm for future research in this field.


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How to Cite

Pasha, S. ., Yousaf, F., & Ijaz, M. . (2021). Preparedness of Prospective Teachers for Inclusive Education: Pre-Service Teachers’ Knowledge and Skills. Review of Education, Administration & Law, 4(2), 355-363.