Relationship between Organizational Justice Dimensions and Organizational Commitment: A Mediating Mechanism of Overall Justice
Overall Justice, Procedural Justice, Informational Justice, Distributive Justice, Interpersonal JusticeAbstract
The research on organizational justice (OJ) by and large focuses on OJ dimensions and their impact on employees’ attitude and behaviour. However, some researchers suggest an equal focus on the concept of overall justice. The objective of this paper is to determine the level of prevalence of OJ dimensions within private sector universities of Pakistan, and to evaluate whether overall justice mediates between OJ dimensions and OC. Kenny’s contemporary approach to mediation was used to test the mediating effect of overall justice. Our results reflect that with the exception of distributive justice, remaining three dimensions prevails within private sector universities. Similarly, there is no direct relationship between OJ dimensions and OC, rather, this relationship is best explained by incorporating overall justice in the model.
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