Performativity analysis in Hyder’s the Sound of Falling Leaves


  • Hira Ali Lecturer, Department of English, University of Sargodha, Pakistan
  • Zahir Jang Khattak Professor, University of Qurtaba, Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Abdul Ghaffar Ikram Graduate, University of Sargodha, Pakistan
  • Shehrzad Ameena Khattak Lecturer, University of Karak, Pakistan



Gender, Performativity, Speech and Actions, Culture, Society and Subcontinent


The present study delves into the concept of gender by applying the theory of performativity on Qurratulain Hyder’s story ‘The Sound of Falling leaves’. Awareness of the distinction between sex and gender started with the first wave of feminism. Many renowned critics like Virginia Woolf, Simone de Beauvoir, Kate Millet, and Judith Butler have explained this distinction. Writers portray society in text and many writers have tried their hands to depict the role, values, and status of women in a male-dominated patriarchal society. There are many reforms regarding the protection of women and to make women gender better, but we still find a lot of lacks. Gender is defined by society. One is born with sex and becomes a man or woman as he or she starts to identify with society. Gender is constructed on the base of performance of speech and actions which are repeated again and again until it becomes part of our consciousness (Butler, 1990). We have not found any research on this story regarding the application of the theory of performativity. So, this research is designed to examine to what extent the theory of performativity is true by discussing the portrayal of women in this story. This research also analyzes to what extent there is change in a Subcontinent society regarding therole and status of female. Discussion and analysis of text supports the theory of performativity. Instead of many reforms for women rights still woman of subcontinent like ‘Tanvir Fatima’ are suffering. She becomes victim of conservative society who is not ready to accept modern girls. She is beaten terribly by Khushwaqt and has no say. Her dreams are shattered by both cruel men and women. Further, this study also provides suggestions about how we can improve gender roles and provide healthy atmosphere for both men and women who can play the leading roles for the betterment of the world.


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Butler, Judith. Bodies that matter: on the discursive limits of sex. New York: Routhledge. ISBN 978-0-415-90365-3, 1993.

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Graddol, David, and Joan Swann. Gender voices. Oxford : Blackwell, 1989, p.103.

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How to Cite

Ali, H. ., Khattak, Z. J. ., Ikram, A. G. ., & Khattak, S. A. . (2021). Performativity analysis in Hyder’s the Sound of Falling Leaves. Review of Education, Administration & Law, 4(2), 337-343.