Investigating Stress, Burnout, and Organizational Factors Contributing to Psychological Well-being at Work
Workplace Stress, Employee Well-Being, Organizational Factors, Burnout, Leadership Style, Mental Health Strategies, ResilienceAbstract
This research investigates the inter-relationships between work stress, organizational variables, and employee well-being through a quantitative approach. A sample of 350 employees from diverse industries, corporate, healthcare, education, and services, was chosen via snowball sampling. Self-administered questionnaires with closed-ended Likert scale items were used to collect the data, measuring workplace stress, burnout, leadership style, workplace culture, and psychological well-being. Pearson's correlation, multiple regression, and post-hoc analysis (ANOVA/MANOVA) were used in this study to identify relationships among the variables. Significant negative correlations between employee well-being and work stress (r = -0.65, p = 0.001) were observed, whereas organizational variables, including leadership style and workplace culture, predicted employee stress and burnout. The results give an overview of organizational factors and mental health approaches that can help mitigate employee resilience.
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