Tourism, Globalization and Environmental Degradation in Top visited countries
Sustainable toursim, Energy Consumption, Economic Grwoth, Globalization, Environmental`DegradationAbstract
The environment is always taken a significant position in economic life but. since last century environmental quality has all the attention of the modern world and research. This study explores the effect of tourism, globalization, and environmental quality in the top 10 visited economies by using the Panel least square EGLS Cross-sectional random effect estimation technique is used to analyze the impact, of energy consumption, economic growth, and globalization are found impacting the quality of the environmental quality of top 10 visited economies France, Spain, USA, China, Italy, Turkey, Mexico, Thailand, Germany, and the UK by using panel data. The panel least square model is employed from 1995 to 2021 to estimate reliable estimations. Empirical findings document that energy consumption, economic growth, and globalization have a positive impact and reduce environmental quality, implying that they have a positive contribution to environmental degradation. Based on empirical results, this research can develop essential policy implications for the top 10 visited economies to achieve sustainable environmental quality to maintain the tourism industry in the era of globalization.